How Backlog Grooming and Splint Planning Helps Teams to Become Productive and Meticulous

Sprint planning is required for the upcoming sprint to take off. Planning sessions are fundamental for the successful completion of any development project. Experienced teams take a short time to discuss items during a sprint planning meeting because they are confident amid fewer details. The whole team attends the sprint planning meeting. External stakeholders may get invited if they can offer expertise for specified backlog items. A product backlog is an input that goes into every sprint planning meeting. The priority items should get handled first in the meeting to make it effective. Priority items should be groomed well or refined perfectly ahead of the sprint. Sprint planning entails making decisions, considering options, and learning. Backlog grooming entails keeping an updated backlog and preparing the backlog items for an upcoming sprint. Grooming may entail rewriting the backlog items to make them more expressive. It may also entail sorting, deleting obsolete items, and splitting large items into manageable units.

The continuous refinement of backlog enables efficient delivery of products as the teams remain flexible and agile. It is fundamental to keep the backlog tidy. The product owner has a responsibility to ensure the backlog is in order. Regular backlog grooming sessions are optional. Some teams prefer regular meetings, and there is nothing wrong with that. However, ensure the grooming sessions are productive and short. The sessions should not be mandatory for the team. Clear the air on the backlog items that will be handled and invite the team members who want to participate.

Theoretically, backlog items ought to contain priority items. However, they often become dumping sites for ideas, bug requests, and features. Backlogs could become crowded and untidy. Grooming refines backlog by removing irrelevant items and tasks and keeping priority items. Do not overburden the team with excess information during sprint grooming vs sprint planning. Let the team handle the items they can deliver comfortably.


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